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Workforce Development!


Missouri Biotechnology Association (MOBIO) is the only statewide membership group that speaks with one voice to advance and champion the life sciences in Jefferson City, across the state, and in Washington, D.C. MOBIO represents most extensive and broadest cross-section of life science organizations including businesses, higher education, medical research, start-ups, agri-science and related firms involved in research, development, and commercialization of the life sciences. MOBIO serves to connect, develop, and advance the state’s bioscience community.

MOBIO members benefit from a strategic focus to support the enrichment and growth of the biosciences in Missouri through:

Statewide Network

MOBIO connections make a difference, specializing in meaningful business-to-business engagements and bridging: 

  • A network of diversified thought leaders
  • Business leaders with policymakers
  • Entrepreneurs with investors
  • Members to greater market potential 

Members connect at regional, national, and international levels with science, education, and commercial networks to advance business and enrich the industry. 

MOBIO is the catalyst, accelerating growth and leveraging high-value relationships for our vibrant life sciences community. 

Science & Policy

MOBIO advocates for Missouri’s life sciences and technology sectors.  Maintaining a sophisticated understanding of current dynamics, MOBIO serves as your trusted voice for bipartisan engagement and leadership within the Missouri State Capitol.

  • MOBIO forges meaningful relationships between public and private sector leaders to:
  • Defend companies large and small
  • Obtain and safeguard public investment
  • Secure state funding for Missouri's life science industry 

The strength of MOBIO's collective voice consistently delivers a compelling message to advance pro-science, pro-business legislative policy.    

Member Savings

MOBIO saves members real money, providing access to numerous partner organizations that offer significant discounts on relevant industry products and services.

  • R & D
  • Laboratory
  • Finance & Administration
  • Facilities & Operations
  • Communications & Data

All MOBIO members are entitled to preferred purchasing power. There is NO fee to participate.

Workforce Development

PROSPER is a workforce development initiative, dedicated to Partnering Resources, Opportunities & Students for Powerful Employment Results. We proudly partner with Missouri Southern State University, MOSO Caps, and Missouri Western State University in the Science 2 Jobs (S2J) program and collaborate with BioSTL and BioNexus KC in the BIOTECH for MO program. PROSPER directly supports these programs and functions as a bridge extending additional assistance to rural and underserved communities within Missouri.

Thank you to the State of Missouri for its support and investment in the current and future growth of Missouri's life sciences.

MOBIO Member Highlight

4340 Duncan Avenue 

BioGenerator Labs, Suite 222 Louis, MO 63110                 

Array Bridge is a US-based privately owned preclinical stage biotech company. For the first several years, Array Bridge was focused on the development of products for the biotech industry, more than 100 products were developed and supplied to many of the leading pharmaceutical companies. Array Bridge also set up an effective distributor network and license arrangements for the products and services. Today Array Bridge has a solid and steady revenue-generating business with a diverse customer base. 

For the past 6 years, Array Bridge is developing a new class of drugs based on target protein conformational disruption. Array Bridge used a propriety technology called Protein Conformational Array to screen for compounds that are capable of target protein disruption. There are several advantages for the PCA technology: first, the selection of compounds is not limited to one pre-defined site like the other allosteric regulators that just target one defined pocket. In the PCA screening, any molecule that can disrupt SHP2 conformation from any sites will be selected, thus this technology expands the diversity of the molecules. Second, the molecules selected could have three different modes of action instead of just inhibiting phosphatase activity. It can just disrupt the SHP2 conformation to the point that the SHP2 and its partner protein interaction is disrupted, thus blocking the signal transduction process such as the inactivation of P-ERK. Third, the molecules can disrupt SHP2 conformation to the point that the disrupted (possibly partially unfolded) conformation was recognized by the cellular proteosome system to induce SHP2 degradation, this is what we have observed in the cell line testing of several compounds, Fig. 1 is a diagram of the Array Bridge PCA drug discovery platform.

Fig. 1. Diagram of the Array Bridge PCA platform for drug discovery.

Preclinical Development 

The drug discovery platform has identified 15 compounds from both the FDA-approved drug collection and the NCI Diversity Compound Library that can effectively disrupt SHP2 conformation. Further testing with 6 different cancer cell lines demonstrated that many of the identified drugs or novel compounds inactivate P-ERK, the intended target pathway. Even more interesting, some of the compounds identified was capable of inducing SHP2 degradation in multiple cancer cell lines, Fig. 2 is an example of the SHP2 degradation analyzed by Western Blot.

Fig. 2. SHP2 degradation was observed by identified FDA-approved drugs and NCI compounds in multiple cancer cell line testing.

Array Bridge is currently seeking collaborations in three areas: 1. Preclinical and clinical development of the FDA-approved drugs as repurposing drug in cancer treatment. 2. Preclinical and clinical development of the novel compounds with activity against multiple cancer cell lines and SHP2 degradation. 3. Expand the PCA Assays from SHP2 to other promising anti-tumor targets, currently 85% of the anti-tumor targets are considered undruggable because there is no defined site for traditional small molecule screen, PCA technology is based on protein conformational disruption, thus break this limitation in drug discovery. For both the FDA-approved drug repurposing and novel drug as cancer treatment, Array Bridge has secured the IP position with patent filings.

MOBIO Breakthrough

Join us for MOBIO's Breakthrough of the Month series, where we explore Missouri's new and sometimes hidden biotech industry.  

This is a virtual learning platform for the greater life science community where we highlight and discuss novel discoveries, new business opportunities, and potential partnerships. 

This is a FREE presentation that is open to those in the life-science community. 

Are you interested in featuring your organization or discovery?  Please reach out to us, via email.

Tell Your Story

Please schedule your organization or recommend an area of interest.


Miss a Breakthrough?  No problem, monthly recordings are archived for your convenience.


Invite a coworker or colleague to attend.